
Derek Allan

BlueRoc Designs


Derek is a silversmith and jeweller who enjoys working with a number of mediums in various forms, including silver, copper and also precious and semi-precious stones.

Working from his garden studio in Pitlochry, Derek works under the name BlueRoc Design Jewellery and enjoys creating unique designs which means the majority of his work are one off’s and rarely replicated.



Strongly inspired by history and culture, more specifically Scottish and Scandinavian cultures, you’ll find these influences often expressed in both the shape and style of Derek’s designs. He also enjoys incorporating precious and semi-precious gemstones into his designs as he feels their intrinsic properties add colour, contrast and character to each piece.


Many of Derek’s pieces start off as an idea based on some physical cultural element, which he then interprets on paper and even as the piece is shaped, the design may change and develop throughout the creating process. Working mainly in silver and copper, Derek also enjoys working with bronze due to the lovely lustre and an almost silk like texture it has once polished. Mixing materials in his designs to create different effects, including painted elements added to his silver designs and working with resin enable an experimental approach to developing new work. Derek also loves working with customers to realise their own ideas and designing a piece of jewellery unique to them.

BlueRoc - Deep pendant with ruby
Blueroc - Gold Leaf And Silver Pendant
Blueroc - Open Cuff Wuth Pearl
Blueroc - Spinner With Topaz
Blueroc - Zircon Studs