I’m Ian, a landscape and fine art photographer enjoying life in my favourite part of the world, the Scottish highlands. My real passion is shooting landscapes in the highlands and for the past 30 years I have used a multitude of formats, 35mm, roll film & 5×4 large format back in the good old days of b&w film. Its where I learnt the art of b&w photography being self taught understanding the mechanics of creating images and still like to create that look with digital these days.
From a young age I was always drawing then in my late 20’s bought a camera to do my own b&w prints to draw from and that was it, photography took over. During those glory days of film I was the ‘Darkroom expert’ for the photo magazines and made regular trips to the Scottish Highlands from my Northamptonshire home for my landscapes and the amazing light and atmosphere. Now I have the pleasure of living in the central highlands near Pitlochry so have a lot more time to indulge in my passion.
I now run a small gallery in my home village of Kinloch Rannoch where I sell my work mostly of my immediate area, one of the benefits of living in such a place is getting to know it intimately so whatever the weather I can find a subject to suit either my mood or the conditions.