
Jenny Charles


I was in my late twenties when I finally enrolled at the Southampton Art College to do a DipAD specialising in sculpture. After the four year course I found myself drawn to working with clay. During the early years of setting up a studio, I spent a considerable amount of time experimenting and attending many courses given by well respected Potters. I adapted that knowledge to suit my style.

Since 1989 I have been working from my own studio. My work has sold in Craft Council selected galleries and I exhibited widely in group and solo exhibitions in UK, France and Germany.

I took a couple of years out to train as a ceramic conservator/ restorer and worked in this profession for 10 years until the call of clay became too loud and I returned to making again.

In 2013 I fulfilled a long held ambition to live in Scotland. Home of both my birth and my family. We left the south of England, family and friends behind and started a new life in Highland Perthshire.

So, here I am now with a new studio in Blair Atholl. I’m restricting myself to just a few exhibitions per year. Also, I have decided just to show my work in a limited number of galleries. This suits my new slower pace of making.

I tend to make one off pieces or small batches of 5 or 7. Research around ideas behind my work gives me great pleasure and most of my working life is centred round observing and learning. My work is fairly eclectic as I enjoy switching from different ways and styles of working depending what my mind has fixed on. I like my work to be visually appealing but also very tactile.

My desire is that my work will enrich the life of whoever buys it and give them joy. When you buy my work I always hope that you buy with your heart.


Jenny Charles - Orange vases
Jenny Charles - untitled
Jenny Charles - Moon dreaming