Kevin remembers travelling around Scotland as a child, and being amazed and enchanted by the Scottish wild places, villages, cottages, harbours, scenery and landscape; by the dramatic colours, moods and atmosphere. Since moving to the countryside as an adult, he has tried to rediscover the immediacy of those first perceptions, and re-engage with the childlike sense of discovery and adventure.
He now tries to paint with the immediacy of those first perceptions, so that every painting is a new discovery of colour/colour mixture, tone, and composition. The technique is a vehicle to express those spontaneous bursts of emotion: joy, exhilaration, wonder, sublimity, appreciation of beauty etc. upon coming across a particular scene which impresses and captivates me. Each painting is a celebration of colour and emotion, woven in with a love of the Scottish landscape, themes and subjects. Childlike inspiration combined with a certain technical maturity yields genuine emotional content and satisfying clarity of expression.
Ultimately Kevin wants his art to be enjoyed, and to enrich people and spaces with fresh perception, enlivening colour, and ingenuity. It is also a contribution to a contemporary Scottish artistic language that gives visual expression to uniquely Scottish themes.